Tag Archives: lost posts



I just spent the last two hours writing a great post and I lost it in cyberspace….I have tried everything to find it but like my youth, it’s gone forever.  And it was so dang good.   Pride goeth before the fall.  So do I try to write it again?  I’m kinda like a one-hit-wonder.  Maybe I should just go off and lick my wounds (or eat some ice cream or do some online shopping..that always makes me feel better….for a few minutes) or should I just suck it up and start again?  It’s not like I don’t have the time.  I have nothing pressing to do (ok, there is laundry, ironing, vacuuming, dusting, orgainizing my studio) but nothing that I haven’t let go before.  It’s just that I spend so much energy writing that when I am done with a post, I’m usually spent.   Writing for me is like sneezing…..I build up steam, write, and then have a proverbial cigarette basking in the afterglow of the moment.   So with that said, I think I will go and eat something, maybe do some domestic chores and then think about writing again later today.

Why is it , that the really good ones get away?