Monthly Archives: August 2013

Photo # 96


imageThis is what I look like as of yesterday.  Tomorrow is the last day of my quest to post a different hairstyle/color a day between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  I hope you have enjoyed this project as much as I have.

 I learned a lesson doing this project….to appreciate myself as I am because someday I will look back and think, “Damn, I was hot and I never realized it back then!”    Don’t want to make that same mistake again!

I would LOVE to hear which was your favorite photo or hair color/style.  It’s hard to separate the face from the hairstyle/color since I was younger in most of them and had much better skin tone and only one chin!   But please tell me anyway.

Thank you all for your input over these past 96 days, I really enjoyed hearing from you.  I have a new project in mind starting Dec. 23 and I hope you will join me for that journey.

I am sure that this color and style that you see today will be temporary as I must constantly change (boy, could someone have fun trying to analyze me!) so as I change I will keep you updated.  Sure wish someone would come out with a gold glitter hairdye… old is too old for glitter????.  

Until next time….

The Queen 



I have gotten such a huge response to my blog about unsung heroes and fathers that it got me to thinking today, what are we as a country doing to honor those that give of themselves to others?  I’m sure there must be a Hallmark “Volunteer Day” but how many of us know  when that is?  And other than a perfunctory card or a token lunch or little gift, how are these great Americans being lauded?

Why is there no national day of recognition?  A day where everyone has the day off to pay tribute to these men and women who have done so much for others, some having died to save your house or your child or your life.

It sickens me to see how we fall all over ourselves to praise pro athletes and actors and politicians and everyone else in the public eye that has never, ever, risked their life for someone else and yet we throw millions of dollars at them to entertain us or whatever their gig is and yet, the real heroes go unnoticed by most of us UNTIL they come to rescue us or our loved ones or neighbors.  That is when we are aware of them.

Is there a Face Book site where you can post a story about a heroic person or act?

Why don’t our local papers and TV stations have a “Hero Of The Week” section/segment?   A place where you and I can learn of the acts of bravery or self-sacrifice that a fellow Northlander has done?   I WANT TO KNOW.  I NEED TO KNOW. YOU  NEED TO KNOW.

I am not just talking about firefighters, EMT’s, first responders, etc. but anyone who has made an impact on someone else’s life in a major way.

Can we start a movement?  I am not at all computer savvy but someone reading this is.  Start a FaceBook site where we can post our own heroes and their stories.  Write to our paper when we see a heroic act or know of someone who deserves some recognition.  We need to get these stories out.

Or do you just want to know about the Kardashians and the “Real” housewives of some metro city?   The choice is up to us…..