
Here I am sitting out on my back deck listening to the frogs chirp and the birdies tweet and thinking I am the richest person I know.  I have what counts most in life and I have it abundantly.  I have a husband who loves me and thinks I am beautiful no matter what color hair (or if I even have hair) I have or how much I weigh.  I have a daughter who is the best person I have ever known (if she didn’t look so much like me when she was little, I would have thought someone switched babies on me cause I certainly didn’t deserve her) and loves me eventho I am not perfect or normal(I am so thankful I she never is embarrassed by how I dress or my hair styles… least I don’t think she is!!!) and enjoys spending time with me.  I have a son-in-law that I adore (he does think I am sort of a whacko but he still loves me) and that has a great job that he likes and is a good husband to my daughter. I have a grandson that is such a delight to me eventho I could not imagine what it would be like to have a boy in the family.  He loves his “Babushka” and laughs at my craziness (of course he is only 2 ) and there are no sweeter words to me than, “I love you more, grandma” spoken in that soft toddler voice.  I have a beautiful, smiley granddaughter that I just know is going to be a real joy to have around.  I still have my mom who is active and on-the-go from morning to night (I bet she thinks I was switched at birth cause she didn’t deserve me!) and my sister who I grow closer and closer to each year and wonderful in-laws and the greatest friends  and neighbors.  I have a job that I enjoy and a house that I love because it has some wonderful memories of loved ones who are no longer on this earth but who came to the farm over the years and their memories still linger comforting me when I miss them so.

So you see, my loyal readers, I have more than Bill Gates or Oprah could ever have.  I have the things money really can’t buy  and I bet most of you do, too.  I am grateful everyday for these blessings.  And for you.

About madqueen54

The madqueen54 is a woman of many interests but proficient in none. A creative spirit looking for the one true skill she has yet to find. A woman looking for something to be passionate about. Writing has come easy to her, though she was never interested in it until the discovery of blogging. The words flow and she gets lost in her stories. Most are true. Some are embellished. A few are flat out fairy tales made up for entertainment value. It is up to the reader to decide which is which.

2 responses »

  1. There are more than one definition of ‘rich’ and mine, like yours dear friend, does not involve money. Having friends that ‘get’ you is priceless! And even if they don’t, they accept you anyway..just as you would do for them. That’s what’s important.


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